Causes and Mitigation of Asbestosis
The corners of homes, antique materials, old buildings and the materials used to build them are a few of the most common sites where we can find asbestos. But that’s not all, the danger comes when people don’t take any action to remove them. Having asbestos in our homes can pose a serious issue. In fact, prolonged exposure to these harmful particles results in conditions such as lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma.
Asbestosis is one such condition that is caused due to exposure to asbestos in and around our surroundings. Although, as new health policies were legalised, stricter measures are now taken to address the issue. The point here is, we need to be alert about possible symptoms of this condition and take action. Better yet, talking to an asbestos consultant will give us an idea of what this mineral is, and why asbestos testing will eliminate any chances of contracting this serious illness.
What is Asbestos?
Asbestosis is a serious lung disease that develops due to long-term exposure to asbestos. The condition is intensified when the asbestos breaks down into thin fibres and inflicts scars on our lungs. As a result, it blocks the passages and restricts our breathing to enter the bloodstream. This condition is also called pulmonary disease.
According to health experts, most cases of asbestosis arise due to exposure to asbestos-containing materials in construction sites and industrial spaces. They are also found in our homes, especially in attics and old unused materials. There is no cure for this condition.
How do we come in contact with Asbestos?
As is the case, these harmful minerals are found in places such as construction sites, industrial spaces, home attics, floor tiles, wallboards, etc. Apart from these, they can be found in our homes and other spaces. Asbestos can also come from old materials especially if they haven’t been used for a long time. Having said that, getting asbestos testing done is a good idea. Whether it’s for commercial purposes or moving into a new house, once we have a clear report in our hands, it becomes easier to carry on with our operations.
Another common place for asbestos is our home insulation. Asbestos fibres contaminate the air and once we inhale these fibres, they get through to our lungs and start lodging in the lung tissues. Before asbestos was legally banned, they were used in a variety of building materials such as roofing tiles, pipe cement, and mastics.
Asbestosis and its causes
The typical symptoms of this condition include shortened timespan of breath, sometimes leading to breathlessness. Apart from that, chest pain, constant dry coughs, increased fatigue and loss of weight and appetite are some other visible side effects of this condition.
Though several of these symptoms are visible, extreme cases of asbestos are linked to fatal conditions such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. Usually, symptoms of such cases don’t show up until 10 to 40 years after severe exposure to asbestos. Smoking can also lead to developing asbestosis which is in itself a big issue among the current generation.
Asbestos consultants often recommend getting asbestos testing done before we move into homes, buildings, or to construction as well as industrial sites. The risks associated with these diseases are far more stretched than we think.
Fatal health effects of long-term Asbestosis
Moving over to the more extreme cases of prolonged exposure to asbestos, we see that the condition is not curable. We saw in the previous section, how a thin fibre of asbestos can rupture our entire breathing process. However, people who work or have been working in mining, manufacturing and installation sites for very long often do not have access to facilities like asbestos testing. As such, they have experienced some of the lethal consequences of these conditions.
Here are three fatal effects, in some cases even death, that underlines the harmful effects of asbestosis.
● Lung cancer
This is a form of cancer that develops when a tumour blocks the lung’s air passages. Chances of survival are merely positive as data shows that only even after a year of treatment the survival rate is less than 50%.
● Malignant Mesothelioma
Malignant as it sounds, mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that affects the membrane connecting both lungs and the chest cavity. The scope of treatment is relevant only when the condition is in its advanced stages.
● Severe cardiac failure and death
Lastly, asbestosis, when left untreated, results in extreme situations that trigger cardiac arrest and eventually result in death.
Testing and diagnosing asbestosis
Generally, doctors will ask you to take a series of tests through which they will assess whether or not you have asbestosis. Pulmonary lung tests, X-rays and other crucial tests are commonly prescribed by doctors.
However, with the help of treatments and medicines, the condition can be brought under control. It is our responsibility to take matters into our hands and take action accordingly. For example, if we get asbestos testing done before we move into an old home or deal with an old material, we can decrease the chances of developing this condition.
Points to remember
So far in this post, we have discussed what asbestos is, and how long-term exposure to asbestos causes asbestosis. We also discussed the extreme cases of the condition asbestosis. With all that said, we need to understand that asbestos can exist in any area. With increasing industrialization, and demand for commodities, it is inevitable for us to expect a clean environment free of infectious particles. In this case, talking to an asbestos consultant helps, they will help us to identify spaces that are vulnerable to these dangerous particles. Oftentimes, the best way to prevent exposure to asbestos is to get asbestos testing done.