Created in 1952, the Wing of the Ministry of Communications (WPC) is the national radio regulatory authority responsible for spectrum management, including licensing, and looks after the needs of all wireless users (government and private) in the country. WPC is now operated by the Saral Sanchar Online Portal.

WPC Approval performs the statutory functions of the Central Government and issues licenses for the establishment, maintenance and operation of wireless stations. The department is responsible for issuing amateur radio licenses, spectrum allocation and spectrum monitoring.

WPC is headquartered in New Delhi and has regional offices in Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Guwahati.

The WPC is divided into major sections such as :

  1. Licensing and Regulation (LR)
  2. New Technology Group (NTG)
  3. Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation (SACFA)

SACFA makes recommendations on major frequency allocation issues, formulates a frequency allocation plan, makes recommendations on various issues related to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to resolve issues brought to the committee by various users of wireless equipment, permitting the location of all wireless equipment installations in country etc.


The regulatory body for WPC in India is the Department of Telecommunication (DoT). In India, such a department would be solely regulated by the Ministry of Telecommunications. In addition, the agency would be in charge of frequency spectrum and frequency spectrum monitoring from out-licensing.

The Indian Wireless and Indian Telegraphy Act is the principal law that oversees the licensing requirements for various types of equipment.

The WPC Office provides Equipment Type Approval (ETA) which is mandatory for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled IT and electronic products operating in an unlicensed frequency band (short range domestic frequency).

The WPC’s core responsibility is the licensing of amateur radio licenses along with spectrum monitoring and management. In addition to these duties, WPS is also authorized for WPC ETA Certification, which means WPC Equipment Authorization Type Certification and other wireless certifications.

  • Approval is required to process any form of radio frequency enabled device.
  • Any import of radio frequency equipment into India would require permission from the WPC department.
  • This agency would ensure that the service provider meets all licensing criteria.
  • Wireless coordination and planning Department of Telecommunication controls the wing (DoT). This wing would be in charge of radio frequency testing and licensing requirements for wireless and frequency testing.


The list of approvals that come under WPC is as follows –

  • Equipment Type Approval (ETA) :
    • Equipment Type Approval (ETA) is required to upgrade the import of wireless devices in India, A product that works in the de-licensed frequency band and isn’t certified by WPC then they must get an ETA certificate.
  • Radio Frequency Test Report :
    • As per WPC Approval Guidelines, Radio Frequency (RF) test report is required for Equipment Type Approval (ETA) for verifying and ensuring that the product(s) runs in unlicensed (specified) frequency bands and qualify human safety standards.
  • Type approval :
    • Type approval or certificate of conformity is granted to a product that meets a minimum set of regulatory, technical and safety requirements.
  • Experimental approval :
    • Experiment is a primary ingredient of innovation. The trial and error approach leads to the creation of better wireless products and it turns moves the civilization forward. WPC Experimental license is a license mandatory for those companies that want to either research or experiment on Wireless products.
  • DPL, which stands for Dealer Possession Licenses :
    • The experimental license is a part of the network license.

Being part of the network license makes it imperative for the applicant to already have the Dealer possession license.

  • DPL License or the Dealer Possession License is issued to dealers and possessors of Wireless products. These entities are involved in the sales and distribution of wireless equipment. As per the telecom rules, the holders of DPL License can’t sell their products to companies or entities that don’t have the approval of the WPC to use those products.
  • NDPL, which stands for Non-Dealer Possession Licenses :
    • NDPL License or Non-Dealer Possession License is issued to entities that are neither the dealers nor the proprietors of wireless products. They are merely entities that have wireless products in their possession. For example, a local cable operator.
  • Import licenses for radio gadgets :
    • Under Notification No. 71 of 1953 issued under the Sea Custom Act 1878, a license is required from Ministry of Communications for import of any wireless transmitter/receiver/ transceiver. (Copy of Notification No. 71 dated 25.09.1953 is attached as Annex-1)
    • In exercise of the power conferred under the above provision,

WPC Wing, DoT grants import license for import of wireless equipments.

  • Certain exemptions/ relaxations have been given i.r.t. import licensing requirement from WPC Wing.


For foreign production companies

  • If no liaison offices are established in India, the applicant foreign production company must nominate an AIP, which stands for Authorized Indian Representative.
  • If a liaison branch is established, the branch must register as an AIR.
  • In order to obtain an import license, the Foreign Producing Company must be authorized by the AIR

For Indian manufacturing companies

  • AIR is not necessary and the company can directly submit the WPC ETA provided it has all the correct documentation required.

Below are the documents required to get WPC ETA certification –

  • Copy of company registration
  • GST registration copy of the company
  • Proof of identity and address of the authorized person
  • Radio frequency test result
  • Authorization letter
  • Technical details of the product
  • IEC if imported
  • Imported product order, if any
  • Online fee receipt
  • CE or RoHS or ASTM or EN test report


The procedure for WPC Certification is relatively straightforward and easy compared to other certification procedures. The WPC certification process usually takes two to three months. After submitting the application, the applicant company is obliged to submit the results of radio frequency tests, which are compulsorily issued by an accredited testing laboratory. As per the changes made in 2021, conducting tests in India is mandatory for foreign companies as well. For this purpose, it is not necessary to carry out a physical inspection at the factory. Unless the product is modified, the WPC license granted is valid in perpetuity. If there is a change, the producing company is obliged to submit a new application.

Agencies requiring approval for WPC should use it to secure a license to run within the allocated frequency. All wireless products will operate on some form of wireless network. Many wireless devices would have to operate in unlicensed frequency bands. A special form of authorization would be required for unlicensed frequency bands. The term “ETA” refers to this type of approval (Equipment Type Approval). Authorization for ETA is granted by the Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) department. In conclusion, if a product is not WPC approved but operates in an unlicensed frequency range, it is an ETA certificate. Mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi technology and other items are subject to WPC Equipment Type Approval (ETA).

WPC ETA license procedure is mentioned as follows –

  • Radio frequency tests to be done in an authorized Indian laboratory.
  • Preparation of all required documents for the application.
  • Creating online portal on Saral Sanchar portal.
  • Online or Offline submission of application with required documents along with radio frequency test results to WPC.
  • Evaluation of the application.
  • WPC issuing the certificate.


Mandatory requirements for all wireless products (transmitters, transmitters and receivers) entering the Indian market.

Note: Not only receivers, such as GPS products, need approval.

Product examples: Wireless Bluetooth watches, Wireless water heaters, Wireless home appliances, Wireless car stereos, Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and readers, Wireless medical products used for patient profiling, Laptops, Mobile phones, Wireless mouse and keyboard, Remote key for input, wireless headphones and/or earplugs, wireless music players and any other RF modules.

Contact us at +91 9076611770 for any query regarding WPC Approval, BIS Certification, Product Testing, Compliance, Audit etc.